Focus Area


Education is a critical strategy both for addressing child and youth homelessness and for preventing it from re-occurring in the future.

Latest K12 Homeless Data

Are you a new homeless liaison?

A resource hub designed to help new homeless education liaisons carry out their responsibilities and find inspiration and support.
This Resource Hub is For You!

Q&A From the Field

We receive many questions from educators, service providers, and the public about the education and care of children and youth experiencing homelessness. We respond to every question we receive, citing applicable law and policy.
Get Answers

Homelessness creates unique barriers to educational access and success that – if unrecognized and unaddressed – contribute to declining enrollment, high rates of chronic absence, lagging academic achievement, and higher drop-out rates.  Yet education is a critical strategy to address homelessness and to prevent it from reoccurring in the future. In fact, lack of a high school degree or GED is the single greatest risk factor associated with young adult homelessness.

We’ve carefully compiled resources on federal PreK-12 law and policy, including tools, innovative practices, and the latest research.

Law & Policy

McKinney-Vento Act

The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides important educational rights and services to PreK-12 children and youth experiencing homelessness. We’ve carefully assembled legal and policy resources, and created tools to help schools and communities implement the law.


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PreK-12 Law & Resources

Explore our carefully compiled resources on federal PreK-12 law and policy, including tools, innovative practices, and the latest research.

Q&A From the Field

We receive many questions from educators, service providers, and the public about the education and care of children and youth experiencing homelessness. We respond to every question we receive, citing applicable law and policy.

Find State and Local Contacts

This homeless directory lists contacts for state coordinators, liaisons, Head Start collaboration offices, and homeless higher education liaisons.

Explore Other Focus Areas

Early Childhood

Early childhood programs prevent the harmful life-long effects of homelessness on education, health and well-being.

Higher Education

Post-secondary attainment is increasingly necessary to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness.

Policy Advocacy

A strong voice for effective and responsive federal policy.