Title I Part A: Law, Guidance, and Use of Funds
Title I Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is the largest federal preK-12 education program, funded at over $19 billion, and reaching the majority of school districts in the United States.
State and local educational agencies have specific requirements to serve children and youth experiencing homelessness through Title I Part A, including local requirements to reserve funds for homeless students to meet a broad range of educationally-related needs.
These requirements are particularly important in light of the harmful effects of homelessness on student achievement. Students experiencing homelessness score 8-10% percentage points below other economically disadvantaged students on academic assessments. Moreover, the national graduation rate for homeless students is 68.2% — significantly lower than the graduation rate for low-income students (81.3%) and all students (85.6%).
We’ve compiled the following resources on Title I Part A and homelessness:
- Summary of the Title I Part A legal requirements to serve students experiencing homelessness
- Federal guidance on using Title I Part A to serve students experiencing homelessness, including allowable uses of Title I Part A funds to meet their needs
- Questions and Answers from the field on Title I Part A