Focus Area

American Rescue Plan-Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY)

A bipartisan amendment to the American Rescue Plan Act provided an historic $800 million to support the identification, enrollment, and school participation of children and youth experiencing homelessness, including through wrap-around services.

Key Clarifications on ARP-HCY, EHCY, Title I Part A

These answers can help state and local educational agencies maximize their remaining ARP-HCY funds, and help to sustain services and programming with EHCY and Title I Part A funds.
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In the wake of the pandemic – and in the midst of the current housing, addiction, and mental health crises – schools and communities face unprecedented challenges. While often hidden, homelessness among children and youth is a significant factor contributing to declines in school enrollment, chronic absence, and student mental health struggles.

American Rescue Plan — Homeless Children and Youth, or ARP-HCY funds, are one-time funds that can help meet this moment. ARP-HCY funds are uniquely flexible funds to support the identification, enrollment, and school participation of children and youth experiencing homelessness, including through wrap-around services. They must be obligated by September 30, 2024 and spent by January 31, 2025.

ARP-HCY Resources

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ARP-HCY Videos

All of our videos on ARP-HCY can easily be found in this playlist! Explore past webinars, ideas for approaches and spending, conversations with leaders and advocates, and highlights of numerous resources to help state and local educational agencies make the most of their American Rescue Plan funds. 

Be sure to click this icon in the upper-right corner of the video player for the full library!