Navigating the American Rescue Plan Act’s Relief for Children, Youth, and Families Experiencing Homelessness

The American Rescue Plan Act provides significant new resources to meet the education, early care, food, housing, and other basic needs of children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness. This navigation tool is designed to help early care, educators, and service providers navigate the major funding streams and connect with local and state agencies to help families and youth access assistance.

Areas of need include:

  1. K-12 Education Support (Targeted specifically to children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness)
  2. K-12 Education Support (General)
  3. Child Care
  4. Homeless Assistance (Shelter & Housing)
  5. Homeless Assistance (Emergency Housing Vouchers)
  6. Rental Assistance
  7. Technology and Connectivity
  8. Food
  9. Head Start
  10. Health Care
  11. Higher Education
  12. Income Support
  13. Mental Health Support