Using Store Cards to Remove Barriers to Enrollment and Success
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As the deadline approaches for obligating ARP-HCY funds, local educational agencies have a valuable opportunity to strategically allocate resources to support students experiencing homelessness through the purchase of store cards for essentials such as clothing, shoes, food, and other necessary supplies. In this webinar, participants will gain insights into effective strategies for using store cards, including parameters for use of store cards after the liquidation date. A panel of liaisons will share a variety of approaches to utilizing store cards, including internal control procedures for purchasing, tracking, and distributing store cards to ensure students’ needs are met.
- Anasofia Trelles, K-12 Senior Program Manager, SchoolHouse Connection
- Jessica Tremble, Supervisor of Counseling and Student Services K-8, Clifton Public Schools
- Martha Calderon, Coordinator of Equity & Access, Hacienda La Puente Unified School District
- Maritza Cabezas, District Counselor/Homeless Liaison, Hacienda La Puente Unified School District