Jennifer Pringle
Jennifer Pringle is a Project Director at Advocates for Children of New York. Jennifer has been working since 2002 to help students experiencing homelessness get access to the educational services and other supports they need to succeed in school. Jennifer started her career working out of a large family shelter in Brooklyn, providing workshops and advocating for parents to help them get educational services for their children. From 2005-2021, she served as the director of NYS’ homeless education technical assistance center and oversaw training and technical assistance to over 1,000 NYS school districts and charter schools serving nearly 150,000 students who were homeless.
Since 2021, she directs Project LIT (Learners In Temporary Housing) which advocates on behalf of individual students and families experiencing homelessness in NYC to secure needed educational services, strengthens the skills and knowledge of NYC shelter-based staff to better support students and address educational barriers, and pushes for policies that improve support and educational outcomes for students experiencing homelessness. She received her undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College and her law degree from Columbia Law School. Jennifer, her husband, and two children live in Brooklyn.