Early Childhood

Research & Data from External Partners and Organizations

More Than 130,000 Households With Housing Vouchers Have Been Burdened by Child Care Costs Since 2017
Housing and child care are among the biggest household expenses for many families. While cost is only one facet of child care access, this brief provides one of the first explorations of the out-of-pocket costs spent on child care by families who receive housing vouchers, and includes policy and practice recommendations for state and local child care leaders, policymakers, public housing authorities, and child care professionals for enhancing families’ access to subsidized care.

Innovation in Philadelphia: A Report on Supporting Infants-Toddlers Experiencing Homelessness. This report is designed to inform anyone serving families experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia about what programs exist now to bolster resilience for infants and toddlers, examine the growing prevalence of home visiting programs in the area, and make recommendations for supporting and replicating effective programs.

Promising Practices for Serving Young Children Experiencing Homelessness.This report is specifically for staff who support young children residing in emergency, transitional, and supportive housing.

Early Childhood Homelessness State Profiles 2020 compiles data from multiple sources from the 2017-18 school year to provide information on the extent of early childhood homelessness and the availability of federally-funded early childhood education for young children experiencing homelessness across the United States.

Mapping the Link between Life Expectancy and Educational Opportunity. This research by Child Trends examines the relationship between educational opportunity and life expectancy to provide information that education and health policymakers need to communicate how investments in education may promote teen health.

ZERO TO THREE Journal—March 2019: Young Children And Families Experiencing Homelessness.  This journal includes a sampling of policies, practices, challenges, and opportunities on homelessness facing the infant–toddler field today. The authors cover topics ranging from early care and early childhood programs to parenting supports, housing, pediatrics, and young families.