
SHC Statement on Supreme Court Harvard-UNC Decision on Race Conscious Admissions

Students of color are significantly more likely to experience homelessness, and to face compounding barriers to college access and success. Overcoming homelessness through education therefore means relentlessly pursuing diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in all aspects of our work.

The Supreme Court’s decision to prohibit race-conscious admissions policies is an impediment to the mission of SchoolHouse Connection, and to the realization of our nation’s promise of equal opportunity for all.

This Supreme Court decision will require us to work even harder to remove barriers to college admissions, to examine and correct practices that maintain privilege, and to create learning environments that support diversity, belonging, and academic success for each and every student.

Although the Supreme Court decision is an extraordinary setback for those who actively confront our country’s legacy of racism and its present realities, SchoolHouse Connection remains committed to that effort and will continue working with our partners nationwide to advocate for admissions practices and policies that strengthen diversity, and therefore benefit all students and our entire nation.